Delivery Policy :
Inspection and Acceptance of Delivery: The Customer, or a third-party designee authorized by the Customer for receipt, is obligated to thoroughly inspect the delivered items and the surrounding area for any detectable damage prior to the departure of the BannGallery delivery team. Any such damage must be immediately reported to the delivery personnel and documented on the delivery receipt. The Customer’s signature on the delivery receipt constitutes acceptance of the delivered items and the surrounding area in the condition observed at the time of delivery. BannGallery reserves the right to reject any subsequent claims for damage or discrepancies not noted on the delivery receipt at the time of delivery.
Order Cancellation :
If you want to cancel or change your order for any reason, please contact us immediately at Banngallerygroup.th@gmail.com. Please quote your order number. We will do everything we can to accommodate your request. However, we cannot change or cancel an order once it process. Custom ordered furniture with “no cancelation policy”
BannGallery reserves the right to cancel any order that appears suspect or fraudulent. All fraudulent transactions will be reported to proper authorities.